10 interesting facts about tabby cat for kids

tabby cat

Cats are famous for the extremely rich variety of their external color. Tabby cat is quite common; these felines have dark stripes on a lighter background. This gives the fluffy feline a resemblance to a fearsome tiger.

Let’s try to figure out what the color of the future cat’s offspring depends on. It’s also interesting how exactly cats get such a peculiar pattern on the body. We are going to tell you why we call these cats “tabby”.

A set of genes of any animal is a kind of puzzle which creates a fur pattern by using a certain sequence of elements. It includes the coat color, color of the nose, eyes, their framework and other external characteristics. The mechanism of inheritance of parental signs in each of the kittens occurs differently. This process depends on which of the genes from the parents are dominant and which are recessive.

Important! Absolutely monochromatic red cats do not exist. They always has a tabby color (more or less noticeable)

Only one pigment is responsible for the main color of cat’s hair. This is melanin, but in two of its varieties: feomelanin (responsible for the predominance of red hue) and eumelanin (responsible for the shades of black).

Nevertheless, the real picture is as follows: absolutely monochromatic cats are the exception rather than the rule. And the dominant and, most importantly, pets are usually spotty, tabby, tiger-like felines.

We would like to note that such a palette reflects the true appearance and character of real cats. As striped colors are closest to the color of their ancient ancestors, this is what makes them feline. Eumelanin gives all shades of black, ranging from coal to lilac, and pheomelanin can be in a palette ranging from bright amber to soft beige.

You better understand that “tabby” is not a breed, but a peculiar color of a cat, so striped pets have different breeds

We all have seen “tiger” cats as well as spotted kitties, and those who wore beautiful stains of a color palette on their fur. Therefore, the special genes of group T, which all cats in the world have, are responsible for such an unusual pattern on the cats’ coat.

Their peculiarity is that only interaction with the A gene activates these genes. This allele (in the dominant version) provokes the formation of zoning color on individual hairs or on the entire coat area.

Did you know? There is a legend according to which, after the long-awaited birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, a kitten came to the place of birth in the crib and began to pace around the creches. Then he lay down to the baby and began to bask around him, while the young mother stroked his furry head. After some time, the letter “M” magically appeared on the animal’s forehead, as the title of the name of the mother of Jesus.

It is worth noting also that the coloring of “tabby” is very popular among ordinary, or domestic cats

Still it is impossible to find two kittens with absolutely identical ornaments among these felines. Meanwhile, each of them has its own curls, mysterious and unique in its own way

But all tabby cats have a prerequisite according to which their color belongs to this type. This is the presence of the letter “M” on the forehead. It may be very different depending on the color and shade of the hairs themselves, as well as on the size and intricacy of the form.

Among the main types of tabby patterns, the following types and characteristic features can be distinguished:

  • tiger (mackerel): narrow lines dominate, resembling the edges of a fish skeleton. They have peculiar narrow bracelets on the paws and tail. Kitties also have necklaces on the neck and chest;
  • marble (classic): there are dense, large curls and continuous lines all over the body. While those that go from the neck to the shoulders resemble a butterfly in shape. They also have one or several rings on the sides that are often called an “eye” or a “socket”;
  • spotted: there are spots of various shapes and sizes on the body. These drawings are also referred to as the “broken” version of tiger or classic tabby because of the allegedly broken stripes and curls;
  • ticked: markings appear on the limbs, not only on the body, with each individual hair can be simultaneously in different colors.

Did you know? There is a belief among Muslims: the symbol of the letter “M” appeared on the forehead of tabby cats, because the prophet Muhammad loved these animals very much

There is a theory that not only heredity and masterly upbringing determine the character of a cat, but also its external color helps.

For example, experts – workers of animal shelters say that tabby cats have a complex temper and temperament. They also say that these felines are restless and don’t usually obey to people. The presence of white color gives a “calming effect”, and red tabby cats are the most energetic and interesting in their behavior. Nevertheless red tabbies are sometimes arrogant and quick-tempered.

A kind of “camouflage” of tabby cats is considered to be the natural color of these animals. This appearance allowed their long-time ancestors, wild cats, to hide among trees and grass. In this way they not only tracked down and successfully attacked the prey, but also hid from danger.

“Wild” roots left their mark on the character and behavior of our striped domestic pets. Therefore, such cats have an excellent hunting gift, have a strong immune system and a first-rate level of health, low allergenicity, and hence they invariably show dexterity and activity.

Important! Genetically brindle color dominates over other types of tabby pattern

In childhood, tabby kittens love to play, they are interested in everything bright and unusual, but when it comes time to grow up, moderate calmness and equanimity come along with the years.

Pets manifest independence from the owner’s opinion by choosing where and when to sleep, even if it has the most beautiful cat house on its own.

The same condition concerns food. The negative traits of tabby felines are the tendency to mischief, stubbornness, waywardness. They also show impatience to the owner’s “lectures and reprimands”.

That is why do not be surprised and do not be nervous! Your tabby cats will scratch the furniture, despite the presence of a scraper in the house. As well as after returning from work you may find at home inverted pots with domestic plants.

For a while, you will not find your favorite bright pen, pencil or jewelry. The tabby cat refuses to eat for the first time (it may just show its temper).

Breeds of tabby cats belong to the type of homebody pets

They rarely rush to find out what is happening there, beyond the horizon. A marble tabby cat is a real symbol of home warmth and comfort.

All of the above signs relate to the general characteristics of the behavior of pedigreed tabby cats. So now we will consider what traits ordinary striped or spotted kitties have.

First of all, these are the following features: extreme curiosity, activity, impatience; sometimes disobedience. Nevertheless there is also awareness of punishment; ingenuity and cunning; low level of rancorousness; cheerful temper.

Most of the representatives of the “wild” color are the most viable

They are also resistant to disease among other representatives of the world of domesticated felines.

If you decided to get yourself, for example, a gray striped kitten, have patience and understanding. They have small problems with discipline and submission to the owners.

If you do not stop any kind of self-indulgence in time, then soon the pet will simply stop responding to your comments. It may even allow itself to leave in the middle of the educational conversation.

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